Welcome to my Page About Kitchen Cabinet Plans!
I have been searching online for a specific guide or book containing only kitchen cabinet plans and I honestly had a hard time to find what I was looking for.
It seems like I always ended up at some kitchen cabinet contractor page or at a cabinet online store. And the free plans outthere are really not telling much. Did this happen to you too?
I have finally found some great sources for kitchen cabinet plans and ideas that truly were helpful to my remodeling project.
Kitchen Remodeling Help
This is a very comprehensive guide based on "Ikea Kitchen Cabinet Secrets."
You sure know how expensive is cost to have your cabinet done by an expert, but if you decide to do it yourself, this guide will show you tricks on how to save even more money than you taught.
I am a contractor who made countless jobs and I have learned so much from this book that I cannot imagine somebody remodeling their kitchen without it.
It contains pictures, tutorials and step by step instructions. Click the following link to see their website!
Kitchen Remodeling Help
Great Kitchen Remodeling
This guide is my second favorite one. It is especially helpful to determine the kitchen design you want, which is actually the hardest part.
If you are like me and you don't want to have the same ideas than everybody else, this guide will make it easy for you to make your own original design.
Besides the cabinets themselves, you will learn in this guide how to use all the other components of your kitchen to your advantage such as:
- Appliances
- Lightning
- Cabinetry
- Cooking Equipment
And much more...
Click This Link to Learn More! They are also including great bonuses...
Great Kitchen Remodeling
Designing Successful Kitchens
In this guide you will learn:
- How to approach the kitchen design process
- Developing a preliminary scope of work
- How to find and develop ideas for kitchen design
- Understanding the Basics of Kitchen Design
- How to choose kitchen cabinets and counters
- Choosing kitchen appliances with the features that you need
- Getting your kitchen built
And so much more!
Click This link to view their website!
Designing Successful Kitchens
Woodworking For Home
This is a great product to but if you are expecting to make other projects later on, besides your kitchen. The reason is that it contains thousands of plans, including kitchen cabinet plans, and frankly there is more plans in there than you can possibly need for a lifetime.
It is one of the most popular woodworking guide on the Internet and the guy who made it seems to really know what he is talking about.
The price is a little more than just the kitchen guides but it is well worth the investment.
Click on the image to see their website.